Service Providers
Achievement Center
For more than 90 years, the Achievement Center has provided quality therapeutic services to children and families across the Erie region. Our programs are designed to meet the unique needs of children and adolescents who are experiencing emotional, physical or behavioral challenges.
Our mission is to maximize the potential of each of the 3,400 children we serve every year.
Barber National Institute
BNI offers a myriad of services for all ages, such as adult day services, approved private school, behavioral health rehabilitation services, Connections Camp, early intervention, specialized preschool, home and community-based waiver services, and an intensive Autism program.
Community Resources for Independence (CRI)
Community Resources for Independence (CRI) is a community based, non-residential, non-profit corporation that provides services to individuals with disabilities in order to maximize their independence and the accessibility of the communities in which they live. CRI is one of more than 500 federally funded Centers for Independent Living across the nation established by people with disabilities for people with disabilities.
Erie Homes for Children & Adults
EHCA is a non-profit agency dedicated to providing quality residential care and in-home/community supports to children and adults with both intellectual disabilities and/or physical disabilities. EHCA have in-home programs in Erie, Crawford and Venango Counties for individuals who choose to remain at home however wish for supports to help them become as independent as possible. EHCA serve individuals who have ID or MH diagnosis and individuals that have an autism spectrum disorder. EHCA services range from 24-hour residential care to limited support in-home. EHCA provide enhanced habilitation, community integration, respite (both facility and in-home), and small group community programs.
KaleidAScope, Inc.
KaleidAScope, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit focusing on supporting individuals with ASD without an intellectual disability and their families. KAS offers individual, family and group therapy with licensed clinicians for school age children through adulthood. Social skill groups, ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule) administration and community supports are available. KAS is a provider for the Pa. Adult Autism waiver offering Community Support, Behavior Specialty services and therapy. KAS offers a weekly socialization group for high school graduates that can be independent meeting on Thursday evenings.
Multi-Cultural Health Evaluation Delivery System, Inc.
MHEDS provides a clothing and linen bank, community outreach and follow-up, early period screening, emergency services, ethnic food pantry, family health clinic, health education, immunizations, information, and referral services, maternal and child health care, mental health and intellectual disability services, scheduling of appointments, screenings for disease conditions, translation and interpretation services, and WIC services for all ages in Northwestern Pennsylvania and Northeast Ohio.
Sarah A Reed Children’s Center
The mission of Sarah A. Reed Children’s Center is to promote the emotional well-being of children and families, helping them to realize their potential and experience success. Sarah A. Reed Children’s Center provides a broad array of programs and services to address the emotional needs of children and adolescents who are having difficulty experiencing success, whether at home, in school, or in the community.
The Special Kids Network
The Special Kids Network (SKN), in partnership with the Pennsylvania Elks Home Service Program, helps children and youth with special health care needs and disabilities get the services and support they require in order to thrive in their community and develop to their full potential.
Transportation Solutions
The certified staff, including Occupational Therapists, evaluate and train individuals with physical and/or cognitive disabilities. Various types of adapted equipment are available in their specially modified cars and vans.
Voices for Independence
The purpose of Voices for Independence is to empower people with disabilities, improve the quality, independence, dignity, and control of their lives, as well as to promote a philosophy of independence living, including a philosophy of consumer control, peer support, self-help, self-determination, equal access, and individual and systems advocacy, as well as the integration and full inclusion of individuals with disabilities into the mainstream of American Society.
Youth Advocate Program, Inc.
YAP provides community-based services to enhance the health and welfare of children and adults with developmental disabilities such as physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities or those with traumatic brain injury. Caring and supportive staff assist individuals in acquiring, maintaining and improving self-help, domestic, socialization, employment and adaptive skills. YAP also provides supportive services to parents with intellectual disabilities to help them bond with and safely care of their children.
Disclaimer: Autism Society Northwestern Pennsylvania provides information, but it does not constitute medical or legal information. Referrals provided are suggestions to organizations that might help, but do not constitute a recommendation. Autism Society Northwestern Pennsylvania cannot be held responsible for consequences that arise from individual dealings with a professional or organization. Autism Society Northwestern Pennsylvania provides an I&R service, but individuals must assume personal responsibility for what they do with the information provided. Inclusion of any organization does not imply endorsement, and omission does not imply disapproval.