SSI/SSDI: Benefits and Working. How to make it work for YOU!
Thursday, March 23, 2023
1:00pm – 3:30pm
Join via ZOOM
Educational Conference
Upcoming Webinar from Achieva Family Trust and The Arc Erie County Pennsylvania
SSI/SSDI: Benefits and Working. How to make it work for YOU!
Thursday, March 23, 2023
Webinar from 1 – 3:30 p.m.
Join representatives from the following organizations to learn more:
Disability Rights Pennsylvania (DRP):
- Role of Disability Rights PA as Pennsylvania’s Protection & Advocacy Organization
- Types of Advocacy services- systemic and individual advocacy to remove various barriers to employment
Achieva Family Trust Benefits Counseling:
- Pennsylvania’s Medicaid Guidelines for the Financial, Age, and Disability Eligibility of the major categories of Medicaid (Medical Assistance)
- Waivers – Two types of waivers, and how and when to qualify and apply for a waiver
- What is the PA Part B Subsidy, commonly called the “Buy-In”?
Social Security Administration (SSA):
- Working rules for Social Security Disability. How substantial gainful activity, Trial work period, Extended period of eligibility and cessation all effect Social Security Disability/Medicare benefits.
- Working rules for Supplemental Security Income: Income limits for Parents. How adult work reduces benefits. Student Income Exclusion for young adults. Reporting wages via the SSI monthly wage reporting application.
- Medicare Part D extra help
If you have questions, contact or 412.995.5000 x565.