Team Keagan Never Look Back

In 2014, Team Keagan was born when we began fundraising in support of our son Keagan who was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2. Autism changed our lives as parents. We are learning how to help Keagan in different ways. We’ve learned how to understand his communication with PECS, and now Nova Chat, and how to understand when he is upset or mad. We’ve attended many seminars and had to learn to be better and more understanding parents. We knew Keagan was special, but we had to adapt and teach others.
Autism Society NWPA has helped us gain a family who accepts us for who we are. Our annual fundraiser, Bowling for Autism, is our way of giving back. We are proud to say we have raised over $25,000 for Autism Society NWPA. Team Keagan started out in 2014, small with a few walkers, and has grown to 80 walkers. We thank all our sponsors for your kindness and support.
The Annual Walk for Autism is important to us. The Walk promotes awareness across the Erie community and educates others to understand the broad spectrum of autism. Autism is very different in each individual, child, or adult. Autism doesn’t only affect the immediate family, but also communities and schools. It takes villages and communities to help raise these children. We are proud to be part of the Autism Society NWPA because, without all of you, Keagan wouldn’t be where he is today.
We will be participating in the Virtual Walk as the weather starts to get better by taking photos of us proudly wearing our Autism Walk gear, as we do every day in our household. We will continue to spread and promote autism awareness each and every day throughout the community.
Thank you, John and Merenda Deimling